Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Graceful Deviant hits the road!

Come and see Graceful Deviant jewellery in the flesh....

When I first founded Graceful Deviant in 2011, the aim was to get a nice & full Etsy store going with the possibility of starting my own website too.
I also found a few other online sites to sell through but in truth there really is nothing quite like selling face-to-face with the public!
It gives you the opportunity to see what draws people over, which items they lean towards and why they buy - all things that can be difficult if not impossible to judge online.
So I have set out to find some venues locally that will set me up to spread the word about my jewellery but it hasn't been easy and is still an uphill struggle! Why? Because a lot of events I apply for are inundated with people making jewellery and those sellers that have success at a venue tend to book in again for the foreseeable making the possibility of new talent entering slim to none.
That said, I am starting to get some positive responses and I am pleased to announce that from April this year you can find me exhibiting with Graceful Deviant in Bradford-on-Avon on the last Sunday of each month. For a full list of dates see my EVENTS page.

Come and 'like' the Be Creative, Be Yourself page to stay up to date with fairs and exhibitors
If you click on the photo link above you can come and see more details of the fairs and who will be attending each month - hope to see you at one of these in the near future!

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